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This package is a combination of IEC 61850, DIGSI 4, and DIGSI 5 courses. You can learn how to config SIPROTECT 4, and SIPROTECT 5, and IEC 61850. The material of each course is designed to help you and the training items are as follows:     

Product Detail:


SIPROTEC 4 and DIGSI 4 Training package (3hrs )
IEC 61850 Configuration (4 hrs )
SIPROTEC 5 and DIGSI 5 training package (7 hrs)

NAME length
Part 1: Substation Automation – an overview  05:39
Part 2: An introduction to IEC 61850 & how to learn it effectively 08:52
Part 3: Overview of the main features of IEC 61850 – Part I 08:58
Part 4: Overview of the main features of IEC 61850 – Part II 05:41
Part 5: IEC 61850 data structure and data format – Part I 33:34
Part 6: IEC 61850 data structure and data format – Part II 11:37
Part 7: IEC 61850 station in DIGSI 5 and IEC 61850 System Configurator 17:33
Part 8: GOOSE configuration and the publisher/subscriber LNs 14:34
Part 9: GOOSE simulation via IEDScout 06:31
Part 10: GOOSE configuration and simulation between SIP 5 & SEL relays 13:05
Part 11: Time synchronization settings and SNTP configuration 10:36
Part 12: Case study – Part I 14:56
Part 13: Case study – Part II 29:09
Part 14: Case study – Part III 23:41
Part 15: IEC 61850 configuration in DIGSI 4 20:03
Part 16: IEC 61850 configuration between SIP 4 & SIP 5 12:36
Part 17: Sample project 08:56

IEC 61850 Configuration (4 hrs-1.5 GB)

NAME length
Part 1: How to install DIGSI 4 01:57
PART 2: Introduction to SIPROTEC Relay families 06:50
Part 3: wiring connection 03:02
Part 4: start with DIGSI 19:12
part 5: Archive, import, export 12:36
Part 6: Masking I/O 11:00
Part 7: Masking I/O 04:51
Part 8: Masking I/O 13:08
Part 9: Default and Control Display 16:21
Part 10: CFC 11:57
Part 11: CFC and Implementation of experimental example 07:59
Part 12: CFC Interlocking Example 04:26
Part 13: CFC Protection Example 04:13
Part 14: CFC Explanation of all blocks 11:01
Part 15: Power system data 1 08:34
Part 16: Setting Group 19:13
Part 17: Oscillographic Fault Recorders 03:06
Part 18: General Device Settings 04:39
Part 19: Time Synchronization and Interfaces 03:40
Part 20: Device Driver and Firmware Update 09:04
Part 21: Config SIPROTEC relay in a Practical Project 14:36

DIGSI 5 Online Training

NAME length
part 1: SIPROTEC 5 relay families and applications 08:42
part 2: The online SIPROTEC 5 configurator 24:20
part 3: DIGSI 5 installation 04:27
part 4: DIGSI 5 upgrade and import device drivers 07:36
part 5: DIGSI 5 Vs DIGSI 4 16:05
Part 6:User interface and general setting 14:24
part 7: Case study relay configuration- part 1 16:57
part 8: SIPROTEC 5 Offline configuration I 15:31
part 9: Import specific communication drivers & inconsistencies 05:28
part 10: case study relay configuration- part 2 18:05
part 11: Distance relay configuration I 09:45
part 12: Distance relay configuration II 15:50
part 13: Distance relay configuration III 07:13
part 14: Function in DIGSI 5 16:07
part 15: case study relay configuration- part 3 12:40
part 16: case study relay configuration- part 4 05:48
part 17: case study relay configuration- part 5 15:57
part 18: case study relay configuration- part 6 17:45
part 19: Display Page configuration 15:38
part 20: case study relay configuration- part 7 10:06
part 21: CFC Configuration 09:08
part 22: CFC Analysis 06:13
part 23: CFC in DIGSI 5 and DIGSI 4 08:33
part 24: case study relay configuration- part 8 07:06
part 25: Case study busbar configuration- part 1 12:53
part 26: Case study busbar configuration- part 2 16:05
part 27: Case study busbar configuration- part 3 17:14
part 28: Case study busbar configuration- part 4 10:31
part 29: Case study busbar configuration- part 5 12:29
part 30: Case study busbar configuration- part 6 15:12
part 31: Case study busbar configuration- part 7 12:23
part 32: Case study busbar configuration- part 8 11:20
part 33: Case study busbar configuration- part 9 10:06
part 34: Case study busbar configuration- part 10 09:48
part 35: Case study busbar configuration- part 11 09:30

SIPROTEC 5 and DIGSI 5 training package