DIGSI 5 is for configuring, parameterizing, and operating SIPROTEC 5 protection, combination, and bay devices. With a PC or a notebook, you can parameterize the devices via the interfaces and export and visualize the fault data. DIGSI 5 comes in different variants (Compact, Standard, and Premium) that provide different functionalities. To use DIGSI 5 Standard and Premium, you need a license key for each computer you are running DIGSI 5 on. If you execute the software without a license key, it will be always available as DIGSI 5 Compact edition or as a Trial version for 30 days. The licenses are provided on USB sticks.
DIGSI 5 V7.80 needs high performance specifications of the used operating system version. Therefore, it is recommended to install DIGSI 5 V7.80 on Intel® Core™ i5 with 16 GB of RAM,
With DIGSI 5 V7.80, you cannot upgrade projects created with DIGSI 5 V6.20 and below directly to DIGSI 5 V7.80 due to the technical limitations. During the installation of DIGSI 5 V7.80, you will be prompted depending on the current DIGSI 5 installation on your PC. The following possibilities exist:
- DIGSI 5 V6.20 and lower is installed on the PC : You are informed that it is required to install any one version from DIGSI 5 V7.00 to DIGSI 5 V7.50 (recommended) to upgrade projects to DIGSI 5 V7.80. This will uninstall the DIGSI 5 V6.20 and lower from the PC.
- DIGSI 5 V7.00 or higher version up to DIGSI 5 V7.50 is installed on the PC: You are prompted that it is required to retain/remove the existing installation.
- If the existing DIGSI 5 installation is retained, it is possible to upgrade the projects created with DIGSI 5 V6.20 and lower. In this case, 2 DIGSI 5 versions will be installed on the PC.
- If the existing DIGSI 5 installation is not retained, only the latest DIGSI 5 V7.80 is installed. It is then not possible to upgrade the projects created with DIGSI 5 V6.20 and below.
DIGSI 5 V7.80 can be used along with any available DIGSI 4 version on the same system. If you install DIGSI 4.82 or earlier after DIGSI 5, you need to reinstall the latest Automation License Manager (ALM) after installation of DIGSI 4. ALM setup is provided on the DIGSI 5 DVD in the folder \Automation License Manager.