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EMTP 4.2.1 

Features and features of EMTP software: – The very diverse and different examples included in this version are one of its outstanding features.– The software outputs can be seen with the SCOPE VIEW program.– The output of the plots can be exported to Autocad software. contact us – The program outputs can be exported in

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SIPROTEC 7UT Transformer Differential Protection Training

Pre-recorded videos + update + technical support prerequisite: DIGSI 4 Training, DIGSI 5 Training, and Testing and commissioning training Trainer: Dr. Saeed Roostaee This training introduces the Differential Protection SIPROTEC 4 device 7UT6x and SIPROTEC 5 device 7UT8x. An overview of the scope of application, the properties, and the functional scope of the 7UT relays.

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PROTECTION RELAY SYSTEM WhatsApp Chat with G18 schneider Relay conf

For joining our discussion groups: – I have set the under-voltage limit at 9.4kV (94kv, pt ratio 11,000/110, But relay trips at 9.47kV. what to do?– Make the vt connection vpp+vr. V peak to peak and v residual. In the configuration choose vpp+vr – can support and provide abb 230kv gis maintenance procedures.– I

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