(Created: April 2023) (Last update: Dec 2024)
Course Details:
- Trainer: Dr. Saeed Roostaee (Profile)
- Pre-recorded videos
- The demo is available based on the request
- Course creation 8 April 2023
- Last update: 2 Sep 2024
- Q&A: the answer will be added as a video to the course under the Q&A section
Chapter I: Transformer Introduction
- Course introduction and transformer history (13 min)
- Concepts of the Electric Power Transmission Transformers (10 min)
- How does a Transformer work part I (7 min)
- How does a Transformer work part II (4 min)
- Transformer Parts and Functions (28 min)
- Single-phase and three-phase transformers (2 min)
- Transformer shipping and installation (9 min)
- Large Transformer Transportation (1 min)
- Transformer Equivalent Circuit (5 min)
- Why do we need an equivalent circuit (5 min)
- The Series Components (8 min)
- The Shunt Components (6 min)
- The Internal Ideal Transformer (4 min)
- Simplifying the Transformer Equivalent Circuit Part I (6 min)
- Simplifying the Transformer Equivalent Circuit Part II (4 min)
- Simplifying the Transformer Equivalent Circuit Part III (6 min)
- Vector Group Connections (15 min)
Chapter II: Transformer Faults
- Power Transformer Faults (3 min)
- Top 10 Transformer Blasts and Short Circuits (15 min)
- Power Transformer Explosion Incidents & Reasons & Precautionary Measures (4 min)
- Winding & Terminal Failures (4 min)
- The Effect of Through Faults on Power Transformers (4 min)
- Tap Changer (OLTC) Failure (3 min)
- Transformer bushings How it works (1 min)
- High Voltage bushing Faults early Detection and bushing monitoring (36 min)
- Why is Online Transformer Bushing Monitoring So Important (3 min)
- Transform Miscellaneous Failures (3 min)
- Why do we need Transformer Protection? (2 min)
- How do we Protect Transformers? (9 min)
- GE Transformer Protection& Control IED (2 min)
- SEL 787 & ABB RET 670 (14 min)
Chapter III: Transformer Protection Functions
- Differential Protection Part I (16 min)
- Transformer Differential Protection Part II (14 min)
- Differences between digital transformer differential relays (7 min)
- Simulate different cases and test the differential transformer protection function (9 min)
- Restricted Earth Fault Protection(REF) in Transformer (7 min)
- High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault Protection working principle (7 min)
- Stability Resistance and Metrosil Resistance in REF Protection (12 min)
- Low impedance REF (8 min)
- Buchholz relay (4 min)
- Transformer Buchholz Protection Relay principal (2 min)
- Inside the Buchholz relay (4 min)
- Buchholz relay by MR (5 min)
Chapter IV: Transformer Protection Relay IEDS
- ABB RET 670 Hardware structure (11 min)
- ABB RET 670 Transformer Protection Application template (6 min)
- ABB RET 670 Configuration and T2WPDIF Function block (12 min)
- ABB RET 670 Parameters and T2WPDIF parameters (11 min)
- Simulation of the differential protection algorithm in the ABB RET 670 relays (12 min)
- SIEMENS 7UT85 configuration
Chapter V: Learn with AI tools
- Transformer protection part 1 (39 min)
- Transformer protection part 2 (16 min)
Question and answer
- Operating vs restraint current: What is the difference between these two formulas they look very similar.
Download Supplementary Files
Part I: Documents that are open to the public
Click here to Download the below pdf files on Google Drvie
- “ABC Transformers.” Download
- “ABC’s of Transformers and Coils.” Download
- “Basic principles and operation of a transformer.” Download
- “Causes and Effects of Overfluxing in Transformers and Comparison of Various Techniques for its Detection.” Download
- “Chapter 12 Three-Phase Transformer Design.” Download
- “Condition Monitoring of Power Transformers.” Download
- “Differential Protection 7UT6 V4.0.” Download
- “Differential Protection 7UT613/63x V4.60.” Download
- “Multifunctional Machine Protection 7UM62 V4.70.” Download
- “MV/LV transformer substations: theory and examples of short-circuit calculation.”
- “Operation and Maintenance for Power Transformers.”
- “Practical Transformer Handbook.”
- “Protecting power transformers from common adverse conditions.”
- “SEL-787-2/-3/-4 Transformer Protection Relays Instruction Manual.”
- “A short Course on Electrical Power Transformer.”
- “SIPROTEC 4 Differential Protection 7UT6x.”
- “Specifying HV/MV Transformers at Large Sites for an Optimized MV Electrical Network.”
- “Technical guide The MV/LV transformer substations (passive users).”
- “Testing of Power Transformers Routine tests, Type tests and Special tests.” Download
- “Transformer Book-Martin J. Heathcote.”
- “Transformer Differential Protection Setting Calculations.”
- “Transformer Physics, Working, and Commissioning Tests.”
- “Transformer protection RET670 2.0 IEC Application Manual.” Download
- “Transformer protection RET670 2.0 IEC Technical Manual.”
- “Transformer Sizing.”
- “Transformer Tests.”
- “Transformer Vector Group Test conditions.”
- “Transformers.”
- “Transformers: Basics, Maintenance, and Diagnostics.”
- “Typical Construction of Transformers.”
- “Voltage Regulator TAPCON® 240 Operating Instructions.”
- “What is Transformers?” Download
Part II: Documents that are available for our users
- “Analysis of Transformer Failures.” Download (users only)
- “Differential Protection 7UT6 Vector group, Io-Elimination, Io-Correction.” Download (users only)
- “Digital Differential Protection G. Ziegler.” Download (users only)
- “Easy Method for Testing Transformer Differential Relays.” Download (users only)
- “Guide for Transformer Maintenance.” Download (users only)
- “How to Evaluate the DGA report of your Transformer IEEE C57.104-2019: A brief overview & Case Study.” Download (users only)
- “IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers.” Download (users only)
- “IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power Transformers.” Download (users only)
- “IEEE Guide for the Application of Current Transformers Used for Protective Relaying Purposes.” Download (users only)
- “MiCOM 30 Series Restricted Earth Fault Protection Application Guide.” Download (users only)
- “Modern Techniques for Protecting, controlling and monitoring power transformers.” Download (users only)
- “P630 Transformer Differential protection functionality.” Download (users only)
- “Protection of MV/LV substation transformers.” Download (users only)
- “Restricted Earth Fault protection: ANSI 64 REF.” Download (users only)
- “Restricted Earth-Fault Protection in REF 542plus Application and Setting Guide.” Download (users only)
- “Specific protection functions for transformers: (ANSI 26 & 63) Buchholz & DGPT2 relays.” Download (users only)
- “Stability Test of Power Transformer (Differential and REF).” Download (users only)
- “Testing the Add on stabilization feature in SIPROTEC5 Transformer Differential 7UT86 Relay.” Download (users only)
- “Testing the SEL Adaptive Slope Restraint Characteristic with Test Universe.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer differential protection: ANSI 87T.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer differential relay (87T), GE P649.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer Protection.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer Protection.” Download (users only)
- “TRANSFORMER PROTECTION.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer Protection.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer Protection Application Guide.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer Protection Principles.” Download (users only)
- “Transformer Protection Testing with Quick CMC.” Download (users only)
- “TRANSFORMER PROTECTION Transformer Technology Design and Operation.” Download (users only)
- “Universal Testing Method for Power Transformer Differential Protection.” Download (users only)
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- NOTE: The updates will be added automatically to the player when you open the course in the player and your system has an internet connection.
Sample & Demo
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Text on Transformer Protection
The ABB RET 670 is a numerical generator protection relay designed to provide comprehensive protection and control functions for generators in power plants and other industrial applications. The device offers a wide range of protection features, such as overcurrent, voltage, frequency, and differential protection, as well as advanced functions for grid synchronization and monitoring. With its high-speed processing capabilities and advanced communication options, the RET 670 ensures reliable and efficient protection of generators, helping to enhance system reliability and prevent equipment damage during fault conditions.
Restricted Earth Fault (REF) protection in transformers is a differential protection scheme that detects earth faults within the transformer windings by comparing the current entering and leaving the transformer. The system uses current transformers to measure and compare the current flow, and if an imbalance is detected, it indicates the presence of a fault within the transformer. REF protection is designed to provide fast and reliable detection of earth faults, enabling the disconnection of the transformer from the system to prevent damage and ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. This advanced protection scheme is essential for maintaining transformers’ integrity and operational efficiency in power systems.
Transformer Differential Protection is a crucial element in safeguarding transformers from internal faults. This protection scheme can detect any imbalance that signifies a fault by comparing the current entering and exiting the transformer windings using current transformers. If a fault is detected, the system initiates a trip signal to isolate the transformer from the network, preventing further damage. Differential protection is vital for ensuring the operational integrity of transformers and enhancing system reliability by swiftly isolating faults and minimizing downtime. It plays a critical role in maintaining the performance and longevity of transformer assets in power systems.
The Siemens 7UT85 is a numerical transformer protection relay that offers advanced protection features for medium and high-voltage transformers. It is equipped with various protection functions such as differential, overcurrent, and restricted earth fault protection, ensuring reliable and comprehensive protection for transformers. The 7UT85 is designed to provide accurate fault detection and fast response times to safeguard transformers from internal faults, helping to maintain system reliability and operational efficiency. With its flexible configuration options and integrated communication capabilities, the Siemens 7UT85 is a versatile and effective solution for transformer protection in power systems.
The Buchholz relay is a protective device used in oil-filled electrical equipment, such as transformers and tap changers, to detect and respond to faults and abnormalities in the oil insulation system. This relay operates based on the principle of gas accumulation in the oil. When a fault occurs within the equipment, such as a partial discharge or overheating, gas is generated, leading to increased pressure in the oil. This pressure build-up triggers the Buchholz relay and sends a signal to isolate the equipment to prevent further damage. Additionally, the relay can provide early warning of developing faults, allowing for proactive maintenance to be carried out. Overall, the Buchholz relay serves as a critical component in ensuring the safety and reliability of oil-filled electrical equipment.
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