This technical report refers to the electrical protection of all 132kV switchgear. These settings may be re-evaluated during the commissioning, according to actual and measured values. Protection selectivity is partly considered in this report and could be also re-evaluated. The names of parameters in this calculation may differ from those in the appropriate device.
Technical Data of the Lines
Main Line
Conductor Type | ACSR Lynx |
Length | 27.8 km |
Type | ZM Type Tower |
Positive sequence impedance | 0.1583 + j0.4004 (0.431 ∠68.4°) Ω/ km |
Zero sequence impedance | 0.3246 + j1.228 (1.27 ∠75.2°) Ω/ km |
Current capacity (A) | 487 |
Next Line
Conductor Type | ACSR Lynx |
Length | 36 km |
Type | ZM Type Tower |
Positive sequence impedance | 0.1583 + j0.4004 (0.431 ∠68.4°) Ω/ km |
Zero sequence impedance | 0.3246 + j1.228 (1.27 ∠75.2°) Ω/ km |
Current capacity (A) | 487 |
Protection Settings Calculations for Lines
SEL-311C Distance Protection Settings
Distance Zone
Non-Homogeneous Correction Angle
Load Impedance and Load Encroachment
Power Swing Detection/ Out of Step Detection
Switch on to Fault (SOTF)
Fuse failure scheme OR Loss of Potential (LOP)
SEL-351A Back-up Over Current Settings
Back up over current settings
Technical Data of the Power Transformers
Type of cooling | ONAN / ONAF |
Vector Group | Dyn11 |
Rated Voltage HV (V) | 132000 |
Rated Voltage LV (V) | 11500 |
Full Load current HV (A) | 87.48 / 113.72 |
Full Load current LV (A) | 1004.12 / 1305.35 |
Rated Power (MVA) | 20 / 26 |
% impedance at the normal tap (12 no.) | 10.15% / 13.20 % |
Type of tap changer | On load |
the voltage at the maximum tap (V) | 145200 |
Voltage at the minimum tap (V) | 118800 |
Transformers- 2
Type of cooling | ONAN / ONAF |
Vector Group | Dyn11 |
Rated Voltage HV (V) | 132000 |
Rated Voltage LV (V) | 11500 |
Full Load current HV (A) | 43.7 / 56.9 |
Full Load current LV (A) | 502 / 652.7 |
Rated Power (MVA) | 10 / 13 |
% impedance at the normal tap (12 no.) | 10.15% / 13.20 % |
Type of tap changer | On load |
The voltage at the maximum tap (V) | 145200 |
Voltage at the minimum tap (V) | 118800 |
Protection Settings Calculations for Power Transformers
SEL-787 Transformer Differential Protection
Differential Pick-up
Slope-1 Setting
Slope-2 Setting
Differential Unrestrained (U87P (Un-restrained Differential Pick-up))
SEL-351A Transformer HV Over Current
Pick-up Setting
51PP (for phase fault element)
51GP (for earth fault element)
Time Multiplier Setting
11 kV Outgoing Protection Settings
SEL-551C LT Over-Current and Earth Fault
CDG21 LT Neutral Standby AC series Earth Fault
I need transformer differential protection in micom and siemens siprotec relay
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please share calculation sheet of GE D60 and SEL Distance elay.
do not have sheet of GE D60 and SEL Distance relay
I need line protection calculation 21/21G calculation sheet
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I need protection grading, Simulation excel, for 33/11kV voltage level protection . OC (IDMT + HIGH STAGE) AND EF (same as OC) only.. please help.
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How do we download the helpful spreadsheets on this site?
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Could you please send me a copy of the PDF thank you.
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Dear sir, kindly share relay settings excel sheet
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please share transformer protection relay settings calculation
Dear dinesh , pls check ur email Relay Settings Calculations
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Please sent to me for relay calculation
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Please share relay calculation excel sheet
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How do we download the helpful spreadsheets on this site?
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Kindly send the complete relay settings calculations
check your email, dear Shiva
Send me MV Motor Relay setting Up To 800Kw.
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Link for downloading relay setting calculation, please
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Sir, how do i download these calculation on this site
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How i can download this document? I work at power company, my company use some protection relay, SEL, Siemens, Schneider, GE,…I need this document, pls send to my email. Thanks
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Dear sir,
can you please send me calculation spreedsheats?
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Dear sir/madam,
Could you please share the setting calculation document.
Thank you in advance!
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what type of protection relays recommended for HT Isolation transformer please suggest
I would like to take course . How do I go about it?
Hi, kindly check your email for Protection Relay pack
do you have GE d60 setting calculator ?
Do not have GE d60 setting calculator
Hi, I need Simulation excel sheet for 50/51, 51N, 64R, 87T, 49 and 59 relays.. please help.
Could you please send me a copy of the PDF thank you.
kindly check your email for Relay Settings Calculations
Please provide the relay calculation exel sheets
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How can i download the relay setting calculation?
check ur email pls Relay Settings Calculations
Can you please send me the relay settings calculations excel files? Thank you!
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Could you please share the relay settings calculations spreadsheet? thank you!
yes, please check ur email for Relay Settings Calculations
Checked but didn’t receive any. Please send again. Thank you!
Kindly assist with transformer diff, line protection, etc PDF and Excel calculations. I will be grateful.
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Hello, I am needing this material please send them to me.
Best regards,
Jesus Silva
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Can you share calculations spreadsheet for protection engineers?
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Please send the download link to my mail address
Thanks and Regards,
S Dasgupta
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I need distance protection calculation with tapping.
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How to set 49M IN 7SK82
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I need HT Motor Protection Relay setting calculations for Siemens 7SJ61, 7SJ66, and 7SK80
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Hello Sir/Madam.
I need HT Motor Protection Relay Setting Calculations for Siemens 7SJ61, 7SJ66, and 7SK80.
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Please send me excel sheet for relay settings & calculations.
please check your email for the Relay Settings Calculations
Please share the Relay Settings Calculations and excel files as well.
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I need SEL-311C Distance protection settings calculation.
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Hello, i am looking RET615 differential protection calculation example. Could you help me?
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Can I get any spreadsheet for Motor Protection relay REM 615 or any other motor protection relay?
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Can you please send me a copy of the calculation sheet and calculation notes
Please send the pdf file of how to calculate relay setting calculations of 50,51,50N,51N,differential protections relays.
can I get motor protection relay setting calculation for REF 615 and siprotec relay on my below mail id
would you please send me this calculator