Protection study & DIGSILENT

This Course is advanced DigSilent and has more focus on Protection study. Our suggestion is to pass the basic Digsilent before starting this course.

Pre-recorded videos + updates + technical support

prerequisite: Basic DIGSILENT Training Package

Protection study Course Details:

  • Part 1 and part 2 (26 min): Review of protections capabilities; Graphical properties; Definition of relays and slots; Definition of CT and its details; Describe the protection modeling concept Model an overcurrent relay
  • Part 3 (10 min): Definition of PT and its details; Apply protection settings; Introduce DSL of relays Model a distance relay
  • Part 4 (4 min): Create a PSLD; Create a time-overcurrent plot; Create an R-X plot
  • Part 5 (17 min): Example of applying overcurrent relays on a radical system and their coordination
  • Part 6 (15 min): Continue overcurrent coordination; Change the relay setting in plots Time-overcurrent plot setting
  • Part 7 (23 min): Continue overcurrent coordination
  • Part 8 (7 min): Continue overcurrent coordination
  • Part 9 (16 min): Distance relay settings and coordination
  • Parts 10, 11, and 12 (58 min): Continue Distance relay settings and coordination
  • Part 13 (17 min): Study of the Over-voltage and under-voltage Protection Functions in DIgSILENT
  • Part 14 (16 min): Study of the over-frequency and under-frequency
  • Part 15 (14 min): Continue the over-frequency and under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) scheme
  • Part 16 (16 min): Directional overcurrent
  • Part 17 (14 min): Fuse
  • Part 18 (10 min): Differential Relay in DIGSILENT
  • Part 19 (12 min): Line Differential Relay model in DIGSILENT

New parts will be recorded and will be added soon as free updates

  • Describing graphic considerations
  • Reviewing the available relay models in the software library
  • Review protection toolbar and coordination tools
  • Executing multiple instances

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