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Open Project

Open Project
Connectivity Package module information is not available for REx670


The evaluation period for the trial version is over. Please contact Siemens for a full version.

Transfer/activate settings

Transfer/activate settings
Parameter set activation aborted.
Reason: a fault is currently active


ActivateParSet0 failed

Siemens DIGSI 5 V7.50 Setup

Siemens DIGSI 5 V7.50 Setup
Windows update KB 3033929 is a prerequisite for the installation of DIGSI 5.
Install this update by either running Windows updater or downloading it from the Microsoft Internet site, If necessary, contact your system administrator.

Windows Update Standalone Installer

Windows Update Standalone Installer.
Security Updater for Windows (KB3033929) is already installed on this computer.

Metered connection

Metered connection
If you have a limited data plan and want more control over data usage, make this connection a metered network. Some apps might work differently to reduce data usage when you`re connected to this network.

Easergy Studio password

Easergy Studio password
Enter Easergy Studio Password
please type the Password

Refresh device data (0001:000007)

Refresh device data (0001:000007)
To enable life list-device import, install protocol DDD V07.50.12


No suitable L0 parameter set can be found for the device with parameter set version V04.76.01
There is an L0 parameter set of version V4.76.02 in the folder
The process is aborted.

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