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Easergy Studio

Easergy Studio
Data Model Manager
Operations log

File’p111 739 0xx2x02x.set was not downloaded because The operation has timed out. The number of attempts to download files exceeded. please try to raise the ‘Retries number’ value in the ‘Option’.

Category: All Relays

Category: All Relays
The application has support for many types of devices. Please select the device type and click Next

Parametros de comunicacion

Parametros de comunicacion
Tipo de conexion activa


DICOMM/ 7 Layer 7 occupied


Can`t mount C:\Users\O-TECH\Downloads\DIGSI 4 Training

Product code mismatch

Product code mismatch
DIGSI configuration:
Connected device

Additional information

Additional information
DIGSI/Modem Rear Port
Protection Interface 1

Load changes to the device(0001:000040)

Load changes to the device (0001:000040)
Failed to load configuration.
Load configuration of plug-and-play devices is not allowed as relevant information like GOOSE connections to other devices would be lost. Use the project where the device was originally configured

I:\newfolder.a\newfolder.e\newfolder.d\newfolder.c\newfolder.b\chrom .exe

I:\newfolder.a\newfolder.e\newfolder.d\newfolder.c\newfolder.b\chrom .exe
Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file, you may not have the appropriate permission to access the item

Quick Connect

Quick Connect
Quick Connect EnerVista 3 Series Setup to a 350/339/345 Device

Easergy Studio

Easergy Studio
Data Model Manager
Operations log

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