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Parameter Set Transmission with startup

Parameter Set Transmission with startup

Metered and statistical values and the buffers are deleted during the transmission of the Parameter set.

The active Parameter group will be Parameter Group A.
Do you want to continue with transmission?

Transfer parameter set

Transfer parameter set
The parameter set cannot be transferred to the device

The reason for this is that the parameter for the EN100 module has not yet been updated after changing the IEC61850 system interface.

To do so, open the “update” property page of the IEC61850 station and update all parameter sets. A transfer to the device now works again.

Configuration Wizard

Configuration Wizard
ABB 670 series IED Connectivity Package Ver. does not Connectivity package


Some settings received. Missing: 2979


Error requesting settings

MAP120 Error

MAP120 Error

Loading of the device model failed not supported by this device

Displaying the overview

Displaying the overview

Siemens DIGSI V4.91 Setup

Siemens DIGSI V4.91 Setup
The Siemens DIGSI V4.91 download Version requires an already installed DIGSI 4 on the machine. Setup will not continue

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