IEC 61850 Library

IEC 61850 library for Engineers  

{.pdf}615 series ANSI IEC 61850 Engineering Guide.
{.pdf}650 series IEC 61850 Communication Protocol Manual.
{.pdf}650 series IEC 61850 Communication Protocol Manual.
{.pdf}670 series 2.0 IEC IEC 61850 Edition 1 Communication Protocol Manual.
{.pdf}670 series 2.0 IEC IEC 61850 Edition 2 Communication Protocol Manual.
{.pdf}2013 IEC 61850 INTEROPERABILITY TEST Munich, Germany.
{.pdf}61850 easy.
{.pdf}ABB AFS660 Switch High-availability Ethernet device based on new IEC-standard redundancy protocols PRP/HSR.
{.pdf}ABB AFS660 Switch High-availability Ethernet device based on new IEC-standard redundancy protocols PRP/HSR.
{.pdf}ABB is implementing the first commercial installation of IEC 61850-9-2 LE process-bus technology.
{.pdf}ABB review Special Report IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Advanced protection and control IEDs from ABB.
{.pdf}AGILE DIGITAL SUBSTATIONS The complete guide.
{.pdf}Analysis and implementation of the IEC 61850 standard.
{.pdf}Application Considerations of IEC 61850/UCA 2 for Substation Ethernet Local Area Network Communication for Protection and Control.
{.pdf}Applications of IEC 61850 Standard to Protection Schemes.
{.pdf}Applications of Phasor Measurement Units.
{.pdf}Applications of PMU measurements in the Belgian electrical grid.
{.pdf}The Application-View Model of the International Standard IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Approach to optimized process Bus architectures.
{.pdf}Approach to optimized process Bus architectures.
{.pdf}Automation at Protection Speeds: IEC 61850 GOOSE Messaging as a Reliable, High-Speed Alternative to Serial Communications.
{.pdf}The Building Blocks of a Data-Aware Transport Network: Deploying Viable Ethernet and Virtual Wire Services via Multiservice ADMs.
{.pdf}Calibration System for Electronic Instrument Transformers With Digital Output.
{.pdf}Challenges and Integration of PV and Wind Energy Facilities from a Smart Grid Point of View.
{.pdf}Challenges and Lessons Learned from Commissioning an IEC 61850-90-5 Based Synchrophasor System.
{.pdf}Colombian electrical sector adopting high redundancy communication design on a new HV substation



⦁ Communication in Power application.

⦁ Communication Protocols and Networks for Power Systems- Current Status and Future Trends.

⦁ Communications network solutions for smart grids.

⦁ The concept of IEC 61850.

⦁ CT Standard.

⦁ D2-01_07_Meeting requirements in an IEC 61850 station bus SAS.

⦁ Data transport network.

⦁ Dealing with Packet Delay Variation in IEEE 1588 Synchronization Using a Sample-Mode Filter.

⦁ Design and Implementation of Packet Analyzer for IEC 61850 Communication Networks in Smart Grid.

⦁ Design and Performance Testing of a Multivendor IEC61850–9-2 Process Bus Based Protection Scheme.

⦁ Design, Development, and Commissioning of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Laboratory for Research and Training.


⦁ Developing Real-Time PMU Applications for Smart Transmission Grids.

⦁ Development of IEC61850 Based Substation Engineering Tools with IEC61850 Schema Library.

⦁ Differential Protection RET 54_/Diff6T function Application and Setting Guide.

⦁ Digital umspannwerk.

⦁ Digitalization in Transmission and Distribution.

⦁ Direct Evaluation of IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus Network Performance.

⦁ Distributed busbar protection REB500 including line and transformer protection Product Guide.

⦁ Distributed Multifunction Fault Recorder.

⦁ A Distributed PMU for Electrical Substations With Wireless Redundant Process Bus.

⦁ Duplicate and Circulating Frames Discard Methods for PRP and HSR (IEC62439-3).

⦁ Dynamic Testing of an IEC 61850 Based 110 kV Smart Substation Solution.

⦁ EC 61850 for Substations.

⦁ ECT Evaluation by an Error Measurement System According to IEC 60044-8 and 61850-9-2.

⦁ Efficient Energy Automation with the IEC 61850 Standard Application Examples Energy Automation.

⦁ Emerging Applications of Synchronous Ethernet in Telecommunication Networks.

⦁ Enabling digital substations.

⦁ Energy Management of Internet Data Centers in Smart Grid.

⦁ Engineering Perspective

on IEC 61850. ⦁ Enhanced Engineering process SCL example. ⦁ Enhanced Engineering process SCL Files. ⦁ ERL 61850 IED Configurator. ⦁ ERL 61850 IED Configurator. ⦁ Ethernet & IEC 61850 Concepts, Implementation, Commissioning. ⦁ Ethernet in SAS. ⦁ Ethernet in SAS. ⦁ Ethernet in Substation Automation Applications – Issues and Requirements. ⦁ Ethernet Module EN100 for IEC 61850 with electrical/optical 100 MBit Interface Application Examples. ⦁ Ethernet Networks Redundancy With Focus On IEC 61850 Applications. ⦁ ETHERNET NETWORKS REDUNDANCY WITH FOCUS ON IEC 61850 APPLICATIONS. ⦁ Ethernet-Based Public Communication Services: Challenge and Opportunity. ⦁ Evaluation of IEC 61850-9-2 Samples Loss on Total Vector Error of an Estimated Phasor. ⦁ The Evaluation of Phasor Measurement Units and Their Dynamic Behavior Analysis. ⦁ Evaluation of Time Gateways for Synchronization of Substation Automation Systems. ⦁ Executive Summary (Introduction to MMS. ⦁ Feeder Protection and Control REF615 Application Manual. ⦁ Focus on the application – IEC 61850 experience with the third-party system configuration tool. ⦁ Generic IEC61850 IED Connectivity Package User‘s Guide. ⦁ Get on the digital bus to SA. ⦁ GOOSE AIR. ⦁ GOOSE Configuration Example. ⦁ Goose messages for automated testing: 765 kV transmission network. ⦁ Goose Messaging Determining its potential in a real case. ⦁ GOOSE IEC 61850 Test System. ⦁ GPS and IEEE 1588 synchronization for the measurement of synchrophasors in electric power systems. ⦁ Grid Automation REC615 and RER615 IEC 61850 Engineering Guide. ⦁ HardFiber. ⦁ Hidden Challenges in the Implementation of 61850 in Larger Substation Automation Projects. ⦁ IEC60076. ⦁ iec61850-8-1{ed1.0}en-2004. ⦁ IEC61850 Based Process Bus Protection Solution for Remote Located Power Transformers. ⦁ IEC61850 Modeling for Switch Management. ⦁ IEC 60870-5-101/104 Slave Technical. ⦁ IEC 60870-5-103 Communication Protocol Manual. ⦁ IEC 61400-25-2. ⦁ IEC 61850-3 and IEEE 1588. ⦁ IEC 61850-7-420 IEC 61850 Part 7-420 DER Logical Nodes. ⦁ IEC 61850-9-2 Based Process Bus. ⦁ IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus and Its Impact on Power System Protection and Control Reliability. ⦁ IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus Communication Interface for Light Weight Merging Unit Testing Environment. ⦁ IEC 61850 – Communication networks and systems in substations. ⦁ IEC 61850 – More Than Just GOOSE: A Case Study of Modernizing Substations in Namibia. ⦁ IEC 61850  Process Bus – It is Real!. ⦁ IEC 61850: COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS IN SUBSTATIONS. ⦁ IEC 61850 and Measurements. ⦁ IEC 61850 -Communication Networks and Systems in Substations:

An Overview of Computer Science.

⦁ IEC 61850 driver FAQ.

⦁ IEC 61850 Enabled Automatic Bus Transfer Scheme for Primary Distribution Substations.

⦁ IEC 61850 General.

⦁ IEC 61850 GOOSE and IEEE C37.118 Synchrophasors Used for Wide-Area Monitoring and Control, SPS, RAS, and Load and Generation Management.

⦁ IEC 61850 Goose applications to distribution protection schemes.

⦁ IEC 61850 Goose applications to distribution protection schemes.

⦁ IEC 61850 MMS Client Driver Help.

⦁ IEC 61850 Model Expansion Toward Distributed Fault Localization, Isolation, and Supply Restoration.

⦁ IEC 61850 Process Bus – It is Real!.


⦁ IEC 61850 Protocol API User Manual.

⦁ IEC 61850 Qualifications.

⦁ IEC 61850 standard for SA.

⦁ The IEC 61850 standard for SA.

⦁ IEC 61850 standard for SA.

⦁ IEC 61850 Substation Configuration Language and Its Impact on the Engineering of Distribution Substation Systems.

⦁ IEC 61850 System Configurator.

⦁ IEC 61850 System Configurator.

⦁ IEC 61850 Technical Overview.

⦁ IEC 61850/61400 Model Designer.

⦁ IEC 61850: Role of Conformance Testing in Successful Integration.


⦁ IEC 61850-Based Feeder Terminal Unit Modeling and Mapping to IEC 60870-5-104.

⦁ IEC 61850-Based Information Model and Configuration Description of Communication Network in Substation Automation.

⦁ IEC 62357: TC57 Architecture Part 1: Reference Architecture for Power System Information Exchange.

⦁ IEC 62439 PRP: Bumpless Recovery for Highly Available, Hard Real-Time Industrial Networks.

⦁ IEC Smart Grid Standardization Roadmap.

⦁ IED Configuration Guidelines.

⦁ IEEE-1588 Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems.

⦁ IEEE 802.1AS and IEEE 1588.

⦁ IEEE 802.3ba 40 and100 Gigabit Ethernet Architecture.

⦁ IEEE 1547.2 IEEE Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547™, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems.

⦁ IEEE 1547.3 IEEE Guide for Monitoring, Information Exchange, and Control of Distributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems.

⦁ IEEE 1547.4 IEEE Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of Distributed Resource Island Systems with Electric Power Systems.

⦁ IEEE 1547.6 IEEE Recommended Practice for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Distribution Secondary Networks.

⦁ IEEE 1588.

⦁ IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol Time Synchronization Performance.

⦁ IEEE 1588 Precision Time Synchronization Solution for Electric Utilities.

⦁ IEEE 1588 Version 2.

⦁ IEEE 1615 IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations.

⦁ IEEE Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547™, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems.”

{.pdf}IEEE c37.118.1 IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Measurements for Power Systems.
{.pdf}IEEE c37.118.2 2011 IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Data Transfer for Power Systems.
{.pdf}IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Electric Power Systems Communications— Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3).
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Ethernet.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Ethernet.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 1: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for Extended Ethernet Passive Optical Networks.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 17: Resilient packet ring (RPR) access method and physical layer specifications.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON).
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Data Transfer for Power Systems.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Measurements for Power Systems.
{.pdf}IEEE Standard Profile for Use of IEEE 1588™ Precision Time Protocol in Power System Applications.
{.pdf}IEEE Std 802.1.
{.pdf}Impact of IEC 61850-9-2 Standard-Based Process Bus on the Operating Performance of Protection IEDS: Comparative Study.
{.pdf}An Implementation of FTTH based Home Gateway Supporting Various Services.
{.pdf}Implementing New Generation Protective Relay Schemes based on IEC61850 Standard for Substation Communication in the Eskom 765kV Transmission Network.
{.pdf}Implementing Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology With IEC 61850-7-420.
{.pdf}Industrial & Plant Communication.
{.pdf}Industrial automation systems Manufacturing Message Specification.
{.pdf}Industrial Communication.
{.pdf}Installation and commissioning manual Line distance protection IED REL 670.
{.pdf}The Integrated Energy and Communication Systems Architecture.
{.pdf}Integration of a New Standard.
{.pdf}Integration of IEC 61850 GSE and Sampled Value Services to Reduce Substation Wiring.
{.pdf}Integration of IEC 61850 GSE and Sampled Value Services to Reduce Substation Wiring.
{.pdf}Interoperability and Performance Analysis of IEC61850 Based Substation Protection System.
{.pdf}Interoperability Requirements for IEC 61850 System Configuration Tools.
{.pdf}Introduction and Overview of IEC 61850 Configuration and Diagnostics.
{.pdf}IP and Ethernet Communication Technologies and Topologies for IED networks.
{.pdf}Issues and Approaches on Extending Ethernet Beyond LANs.
{.pdf}Kalki SCL Manager.
{.pdf}Laboratory Investigation of IEC 61850-9-2-Based Busbar and Distance Relaying With Corrective Measure for Sampled Value Loss/Delay.
{.pdf}Large Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources – Way Forward.
{.pdf}Leading the way to Digital Substations.
{.pdf}Lecture 5a Substation Automation Systems.
{.pdf}Logical nodes.
{.pdf}Magnum 6KL Managed Edge Switch.
{.pdf}Memory Requirements Analysis for PRP and HSR Hardware Implementations on FPGAs.
{.pdf}MiCOM Px4x-92LE Technical Manual IEC 61850-9-2LE Interface.
{.pdf}MiCOM Px4x-92LE Technical Manual IEC 61850-9-2LE Interface.
{.pdf}Model Implementation Conformance Statement (MICS) for IEC 61850 for the SEL Real-Time Automation Controllers.
{.pdf}Model Implementation Conformance Statement for the IEC 61850 interface in SEL-351A.
{.pdf}Model Implementation Conformance Statement for the IEC 61850 interface in SEL-351S.
{.pdf}Model Implementation Conformance Statement for the IEC 61850 interface in SEL-2411.
{.pdf}Model Implementation Conformance Statement for the IEC 61850 interface in SEL-2440.
{.pdf}Modeling and (Co-)simulation of power systems, controls, and components for analyzing complex energy systems.
{.pdf}Modeling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of IEC61850-Based Substation Communication Systems.
{.pdf}The move to IEC61850  what and when will it be delivered?.
{.pdf}MU320 Merging Unit.
{.pdf}MU Agile AMU Technical Manual Analogue Merging Unit.
{.pdf}Network Interactions and Performance of a Multifunction IEC 61850 Process Bus.
{.pdf}A network scheme for process bus in smart substations without using external synchronization.
{.pdf}A New IED With PMU Functionalities For Electrical Substations.
{.pdf}Next-generation substations.
{.pdf}Non-conventional instrument transformers Advanced GIS substations with IEC 61850-9-2 LE process bus.
{.pdf}A Novel Communication Network for Three-Level Wide Area Protection System.
{.pdf}Object Modeling of Data and DataSets in the International Standard IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Offprint of an article published in PAC World, Fall 2008 Standard IEC 61850 – Network Redundancy using IEC 62439.
{.pdf}On the Use of IEEE 1588 in Existing IEC 61850-Based SASs: Current Behavior and Future Challenges.
{.pdf}One-Way Delay and PTP (IEEE 1588v2) Test Applications.
{.pdf}Optimal Integration of Disparate C37.118 PMUs in Wide-Area PSS With Electromagnetic Transients.
{.pdf}Overview of IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Overview of IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Packet Tracer Network Simulator.
{.pdf}The Parallel Redundancy Protocol for Industrial IP Networks.
{.pdf}Performance Analysis of IEC 61850 Sampled Value Process Bus Networks.
{.pdf}Performance assessment of an IEC 61850-9-2 based protection scheme for the mesh corner of a 400kV transmission substation.
{.pdf}Performance Evaluation of Time-critical Communication Networks for Smart Grids based on IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Performance of IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus and Corrective Measure for Digital Relaying.
{.pdf}Phasor measurement based on IEC 61850-9-2 and Kalman–Filtering.
{.pdf}Plan Ahead for Substation Automation.
{.pdf}Plc-based SA and SCADA.
{.pdf}Plug-in rapid-wire integrated.
{.pdf}A PMU for the Measurement of Synchronized Harmonic Phasors in Three-Phase Distribution Networks.
{.pdf}The PMU Interface using IEC 61850.
{.pdf}PMU Interoperability, Steady-State, and Dynamic Performance Tests.
{.pdf}PMU-based Voltage Instability Detection through Linear Regression.
{.pdf}Power network telecommunication PowerLink – power line carrier system.
{.pdf}Power network telecommunication PowerLink – technical data.
{.pdf}Power network telecommunication SWT 3000 Teleprotection.
{.pdf}The power of IEC 61850.
{.pdf}The power of IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Power Systems Communications.
{.pdf}a practical application primer for protection engineers.
{.pdf}Practical Applications of Ethernet in Substations and Industrial Facilities.
{.pdf}Practical Considerations for Ethernet Networking Within Substations.
{.pdf}Practical Experience with IEEE 1588 High Precision Time Synchronization in Electrical Substation based on IEC 61850 Process Bus.
{.pdf}Precision Clock Synchronization.
{.pdf}Precision Time Protocol.
{.pdf}Protection and Control System Upgrade Based on IEC- 61850 and PRP.
{.pdf}Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for IEC 61850 for the SEL Real-Time Automation Controllers.
{.pdf}PRP and HSR for High Availability Networks in Power Utility Automation: A Method for Redundant Frames Discarding.
{.pdf}PRP and HSR Version 1 (IEC 62439-3 Ed.2), Improvements, and a Prototype Implementation.
{.pdf}The Real-Time Publisher/Subscriber Communication Model for Distributed Substation Systems.
{.pdf}Reason RT411 Technical Manual Time Signal Distributor.
{.pdf}Redundancy in Substation LANs with the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1w).
{.pdf}Reliable data networks for electric power systems.
{.pdf}Requirements for Ethernet Networks in Substation Automation.
{.pdf}Resilience technologies in Ethernet.
{.pdf}SA Hand Book.
{.pdf}SAM600 process bus.
{.pdf}The SAM600 process bus IO system integrates conventional instrument transformers into modern, IEC 61850-9-2


⦁ process bus substation automation, protection, and control systems.

{.pdf}Sampled Values.
{.pdf}SAS Application pictures.
{.pdf}SCADA and IP.
{.pdf}SCADA Systems: Challenges for Forensic Investigators.
{.pdf}Seamless redundancy.
{.pdf}Selecting, Designing, and Installing Modern Data Networks in Electrical Substations.
{.pdf}Selection Guide / Ethernet Switches.
{.pdf}Sepam Ethernet Guide.
{.pdf}Sepam IEC 61850 communication.
{.pdf}SICAM A8000 Serie CP-8000 Master Modul mit I/O.
{.pdf}SICAM A8000 Series.
{.pdf}SICAM A8000 Series  Wherever energy flows Protection Technology / Substation Automation / Power Quality and Measurements.
{.pdf}SICAM A8000 Series CP-8000, CP-8021, CP-8022 User Manual.
{.pdf}SICAM A8000 Series Operation, telecontrol, and automation in the smallest spaces.
{.pdf}Simulation and testing of the over-current protection system based on IEC 61850 Process-Buses and dynamic estimator.
{.pdf}Simulation of Parallel Redundant WLAN with OPNET.
{.pdf}SINEAX CAM Parameterization of IEC61850 bus card.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 4, SIPROTEC easy, SIPROTEC 600 Series, Communication, Accessories.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 5 Communication protocol IEC 60870-5-103.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 5 Communication Protocol IEC 60870-5-104.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 5 Communication protocol IEC 61850.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 5 Modbus.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 5 Process Bus.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 5Communication protocol DNP3.
{.pdf}SIPROTEC 7SC805.
{.pdf}SIPROTECMerging Unit 6MU805 V4.01 Manual.
{.pdf}smart grids.
{.pdf}The Smart Substatiion usiing IIEC 61850 Ediitiion 2.
{.pdf}Solutions for Digital Substation.
{.pdf}Stand Alone Merging Unit User Guide MGU010000.
{.pdf}A Study on GOOSE Communication based on lEC61850 using MMS Ease Lite.
{.pdf}Substation Automation Process Bus.
{.pdf}Substation Automation Systems.
{.pdf}A Survey of Communication Network Paradigms for Substation Automation.
{.pdf}A Survey of Ethernet LAN Security.
{.pdf}Switchgear Optimization Using IEC 61850-9-2 and Non-Conventional Measurements.
{.pdf}Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications.
{.pdf}Synchrophasor Standards Development – IEEE C37.118 & IEC 61850.
{.pdf}System 800xA IEC 61850 Connect Configuration.
{.pdf}System 800xA IEC 61850 Engineering Workflow.
{.pdf}System Engineer Configures IEC 61850 Gateway to DNP3 Substation.
{.pdf}System-Level Tests of Transformer Differential Protection Using an IEC 61850 Process Bus.
{.pdf}TCP/IP Protocol Suite.
{.pdf}Technical Requirements for DER Integration Architectures.
{.pdf}Teleprotection over an IP/MPLS Network.
{.pdf}Testing a SIPROTEC GOOSE bus protection scheme using an OMICRON CMC.
{.pdf}Time Signal Distributor.
{.pdf}Time Signal Distributor.
{.pdf}Time Synchronization (IEEE 1588) and Seamless Communication Redundancy (IEC 62439-3) Techniques for Smart Grid Substations.
{.pdf}Time Synchronized Low-Voltage Measurements for Smart Grids.
{.pdf}Towards Implementation of IEC 61850 GOOSE Messaging in Event-Driven IEC 61499 Environment.
{.pdf}Traffic Generation of IEC 61850 Sampled Values.
{.pdf}Transforming Critical Communications Networks for Substation Automation Communications network infrastructure requirements and architectures.
{.pdf}Two Improvements Related to Overcurrent Functions for Bus Protection in Distribution Systems.
{.pdf}Use of IEEE 1588–2008 for a Sampled Value Process Bus in Transmission Substations.
{.pdf}Use of Precision Time Protocol to Synchronize Sampled-Value Process Buses.
{.pdf}User Experiences Implementing IEC61850 in Intelligent Electronic Devices.
{.pdf}A user-friendly implementation of IEC 61850 in a new generation of protection and control devices.
{.pdf}Using OPNET to Model and Evaluate the MU Performance Based on IEC 61850-9-2LE.
{.pdf}Utilization of GOOSE in MV Substation.
{.pdf}Utilizing IEC 61850, Ethernet, and IP Standards for Integrated Substation Communications.
{.pdf}VAMP RELAYS IEC 61850 interface Configuration instructions.
{.pdf}The Virginia Tech Calibration System.
{.pdf}Virtual Power Plant for Grid Services using IEC 61850.
{.pdf}VSE 006 IEC 61850 interface module.
{.pdf}VSE 006 IEC 61850 interface module Configuration instructions.
{.pdf}A Web-Based Remote Access Laboratory Using SCADA.
{.pdf}What Is IEC 61850?.
{.pdf}What Protection Engineers Need to Know About Networking.
{.pdf}White Paper on Standards for DER Communications Using IEC 61850.
{.pdf}Wide area voltage protection.
{.pdf}Wide-Area Ethernet Network Configuration for System Protection Messaging.
{.pdf}Wide-Area Ethernet Network Configuration for System Protection Messaging.
{.pdf}Wide-Area Protection and Power System Utilization.
{.pdf}(2003). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 1: Introduction and overview.”
{.pdf}(2003). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 2: Glossary.”
{.pdf}(2003). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 3: General requirements.”
{.pdf}(2003). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 4: System and project management.”
{.pdf}(2003). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models.”
{.pdf}(2003). “COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS IN SUBSTATIONS Part 10: Conformance Testing.”
{.pdf}(2003). “IEEE Standard Test Method for Use in the Evaluation of Message Communications Between Intelligent Electronic Devices in an Integrated Substation Protection, Control, and Data Acquisition System.”
{.pdf}(2005). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 7-3: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment – Common data classes.”
{.pdf}(2005). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 7-4: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment – Compatible logical node classes and data classes.”
{.pdf}(2005). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 9-1: Specific Communication Service
{.pdf}Mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values over a serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link.”
{.pdf}(2007). “Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 7-1: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment – Principles and models.”
{.pdf}(2009). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 7-420: Basic communication structure – Distributed energy resources logical nodes.”
{.pdf}(2010). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 7-2: Basic information and communication structure – Abstract communication service interface (ACSI).”
{.pdf}(2010). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 90-1: Use of IEC 61850 for the communication between substations.”
{.pdf}(2011). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 8-1: Specific communication  service mapping (SCSM) – Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and ISO/IEC 8802-3.”
{.pdf}(2011). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3.”
{.pdf}(2012). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs.”
{.pdf}(2012). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 90-5: Use of IEC 61850 to transmit synchrophasor information according to IEEE C37.118.”
{.pdf}(2013). “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 90-7: Object models for power converters in distributed energy resources (DER) systems.”
{.pdf}(2013). “IEEE c37.242 IEEE Guide for Synchronization, Calibration, Testing, and Installation of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) for Power System Protection and Control.”
{.pdf}(2014). “IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations.”
{.pdf}on an electric power substation, Internet protocol (IP) networks are provided. For the power
{.pdf}engineer new to IP networking, this document provides an introduction to the concepts that need
{.pdf}to be mastered as well as specific recommendations to follow when deploying the technologies.
{.pdf}For equipment manufacturers and system integrators, it provides direction and requirements to
{.pdf}facilitate interoperable electric utility information networks
{.pdf}Ali, I., and M. S. Thomas (2011). GOOSE-based protection scheme implementation & testing in a laboratory. Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2011 IEEE PES.
{.pdf}Almas, M. S., et al. (2014). Synchrophasor network, laboratory, and software applications developed in the STRONg<sup>2</sup>rid project. PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition, 2014 IEEE.
{.pdf}Antonova, G., et al. (2011). Communication redundancy for substation automation. Protective Relay Engineers, 2011 64th Annual Conference for.
{.pdf}Apostolov, A., et al. (2006). A Distributed Recording System Based on IEC 61850 Process Bus. Power Systems Conference: Advanced Metering, Protection, Control, Communication, and Distributed Resources, 2006. PS ’06.
{.pdf}Apostolov, A. and B. Vandiver (2011). IEC 61850 GOOSE applications to distribution protection schemes. Protective Relay Engineers, 2011 64th Annual Conference for.
{.pdf}Astarloa, A., et al. (2013). System-on-Chip implementation of Reliable Ethernet Networks nodes. Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013 – 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE.
{.pdf}Atienza, E. (2010). Testing and troubleshooting IEC 61850 GOOSE-based control and protection schemes. Protective Relay Engineers, 2010 63rd Annual Conference for.
{.pdf}Bhardwaj, V., et al. (2014). A review of various standards for the digital substation. Green Computing Communication and Electrical Engineering (ICGCCEE), 2014 International Conference on.
{.pdf}Bonfiglio, A., et al. (2013). The smart microgrid pilot project of the University of Genoa: Power and communication architectures. AEIT Annual Conference, 2013.
{.pdf}Castello, P., et al. (2014). Improving the availability of distributed PMU in electrical substations using wireless redundant process bus. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) Proceedings, 2014 IEEE International.
{.pdf}Chao, Z., et al. (2009). An integrated PMU and protection scheme for power systems. Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2009 Proceedings of the 44th International.
{.pdf}Dan, Z., et al. (2010). A new scheme of control and protection based on utilizing phasor measurement technique. Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2010 Chinese.
{.pdf}Darby, A. B., et al. (2014). Experience using PRP Ethernet redundancy for Substation Automation Systems. Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), 12th IET International Conference on.
{.pdf}Das, N., et al. (2013). Process-to-bay level peer-to-peer network delay in IEC 61850 substation communication systems. Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2013 Australasian Universities.
{.pdf}De Dominicis, C. M., et al. (2010). Experimental evaluation of synchronization solutions for substation automation systems. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2010 IEEE.
{.pdf}Dolezilek, D. (2010). Case Study Examples of Interoperable Ethernet Communications within Distribution, Transmission, and Wide-Area Control Systems. Communications Workshops (ICC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on.
{.pdf}Dutra, C. A., et al. (2014). Process bus reliability analysis. Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), 12th IET International Conference on.
{.pdf}Feuerhahn, S., et al. (2011). Comparison of the communication protocols DLMS/COSEM, SML, and IEC 61850 for smart metering applications. Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2011 IEEE International Conference on.
{.pdf}Gajic, Z., et al. (2010). Using IEC 61850 analog goose messages for OLTC control of parallel transformers. Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2010). Managing the Change, 10th IET International Conference on.
{.pdf}GE “Communiicatiion Protocolls.”
{.pdf}Georg, H., et al. (2013). Performance evaluation of time-critical communication networks for Smart Grids based on IEC 61850. Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2013 IEEE Conference on.
{.pdf}Gonzalez-Redondo, M. J., et al. (2013). IEC 61850 GOOSE transfer time measurement in the development stage. Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on.
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