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أساسيات وتطبيقات في نظم الحماية لشبكات النقل Basics and Applications in Protection Systems for Transmission Grids

مُقدمة Introduction مفهوم الحماية الكهربية Protection Concept دور و وظيفة جهاز الحماية الكهربية The Role Of Protection Relay مكونات نظام الحماية الكهربية Protection Scheme Components تصنيف أجهزة الحماية الكهربية Protection Relays Classification تاريخ أجهزة الحماية الكهربية Protection Relays History أهم مُتَطلبات أجهزة و نُظُم الحماية الكهربية Protection Scheme Requirements أداء أجهزة و نُظُم الحماية الكهربية

أساسيات وتطبيقات في نظم الحماية لشبكات النقل Basics and Applications in Protection Systems for Transmission Grids Read More »

Overcurrent Protection Relay

Relay protection against the high current was the earliest relay protection mechanism to develop. From this basic method, the graded overcurrent relay protection system, discriminative short circuit protection, has been formulated. This should not be mixed with ‘overload’ relay protection, which typically utilizes relays that function in a time-related to some degree to the thermal

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DIGSI 4.93

DIGSI 4.93 is the user interface to configure SIPROTEC 4, SIPROTEC Compact, and SIPROTEC 3 devices. It is designed with a modern, intuitive user interface. With DIGSI 4.93, from the numerous protection functions, it is possible to easily select only those which are really required. The settings can be entered and displayed as primary or

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DIGSI 5 is for configuring, parameterizing, and operating SIPROTEC 5 protection, combination, and bay devices. With a PC or a notebook, you can parameterize the devices via the interfaces and export and visualize the fault data. DIGSI 5 comes in different variants (Compact, Standard, and Premium) that provide different functionalities. To use DIGSI 5 Standard and Premium, you

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DIGSI 4 Online Training Course

SIPROTEC protection relays from Siemens can be used throughout all applications in medium and high voltage. SIPROTEC Compact and SIPROTEC 4 devices can be parameterized and operated via DIGSI 4 software.     Today, SIPROTEC 4 is considered the standard for numerical protection systems in all fields of application. SIPROTEC 4 provides suitable devices for all

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